Nishant Gupta

Don't just dream, live your dream!

Welcome to my homepage, iCosmos.

You might have landed here by fluke. Possibility is high that you don't know me. But, once you will go through iCosmos, I would seem more like a friend than some stranger. I love to make everyone part of my life and this is designed to live on a larger canvas.

I believe, dreams are the outcome of unbounded thoughts & imaginations of our mind. We are, what our mind is and dreams carve us. Don't just Dream, Live your Dream.

About me... I'm just another intellect. Same as you are. I'm friendly, caring, gregarious, creative and tough. I love dreaming and enjoy while facing the challenges to achieve them. Always try to give a shot to everything. I like to make every moment pleasurable. It’s very easy to be happy. I speak sparingly, think clearly, live as though it is my last moment and act as if, I will live forever :)

I have compiled few of my thoughts, belongings, ideas, moments, dreams, achievements, challenges and tried to make you part of my life. I would love to hear you.