Infant Dreamer

Summers, 2006

Infant, Childhood, kiddies Nature, Tension Free Actions, Keep On Moving Without Knowing The Path, Following What Eyes See... This is how I can define a kid. Kid never realizes that each of his actions, perceptions and emotions are building his own future. He is just moving on n on n on... He does what others want him to do, he reacts how his nearones reacting, doesn't matter whatever the conditions are.

Few days back, I saw one lady scolding his 8 years old son, just becoz' kid's balloon get touched to his mother while she was talking to some stranger. Was she right in her instant action? Who was wrong; Kid, Mother, Society or I, who was just looking at this and now commenting on the same, as I'm The One.

I believe, that knowingly or unknowingly, we... we Torch Bearers are the Dream Builders. Our each & every action penetrates the child's unconscious mind, which builds rapidly during early stage of life.

Great power comes with great responsibilities...

Now, when we have given a phrase that Torch Bearers are the Dream Builders, then we need to take a next step and do something to make the society as we desire.

As I said earlier, that our each and every action create an impact on child's unconscious mind. Sometimes, we get angry upon children and show our unhappiness in very annoyed way. By doing so, in most of the cases, we presume that we are doing this in the favor of a kid, bacchaa, and never realize that unknowingly we are building a painful dream. Kid may change his acts for that moment, but that instinct will remain and get stored in his unconscious mind, till he again live that and conclude with his own thoughts. Same thing has been supported by Freudian psychoanalysis. According to Freud, unconscious or subconscious mind stores the repressed memories [Ref. The Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud].

If we are really concerned, then I believe that in advance we should be prepared for such type of crumbled circumstances. We should have clear-cut idea that how we have to react and do the needful. According to me, when we want to correct a kid at some point, then we should explain the pros & cons in friendly fatherly manner. Doesn't matter whether he can understand the reason fully or not, but we should always put our point with some arguments and by showing him both sides of the coin. If a kid will get understand the reason fully, then wow... Otherwise, he will change himself at that moment becoz' we want and afterwards, when he will try to live this memory later in his life, then his unconscious mind will remind him the reason as well, what we explained him. This will make the difference. I think that this is a way to teach even a kid, who is unaware of the outside world and is happily living with his guardian/parents.